Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What is a Prompt

What is a Prompt?Prompts are not a guideline to a writing style or order of topics. They do serve as a reminder to write, but they do not have the effect of prompting a writer to produce something unique and original. Instead, they serve as a handy reference for a student on how to organize the paper, and they do influence the work of students when they work through the paper.A prompt is not always available in the form of a page that the student can read or a phrase or clause in the paper. In fact, most often the student will be given a word or phrase to look at to give him an idea on what topic to write about. The prompt is not related to the topic as it is read to the student, and instead serves as a bridge from one topic to another topic, or a context that helps the student learn what topic he should write about.A prompt can serve many purposes for a student. Firstly, they provide a means for students to organize their thoughts and tackle one of the most important components of a written assignment: the topic. The student may have an idea about a topic, but the idea is only a starting point to the more complex task of organizing the topic in a cohesive manner. A prompt can serve as a form of organization, so the student has an idea about what the topic is about, how to frame his ideas, and how to organize his notes and ideas to present a thorough and well-researched research project.A prompt can also serve as a guide to the student on the general structure of the paper. The prompt is not only used to remind students of what the topic is about, but it can also serve as a guide to the order of the topic, and the order of ideas in the essay. The best examples of this would be when students are reading a paper, and the last sentence, ifleft out, could reveal important information about the topic.A prompt is not just used in research papers, it can also be used to direct the main thesis statement of the paper, the central idea or focus of the project. Prompts pr ovide the student with a means to find this point, as they can act as the stepping stone between the conclusion and the introduction. The prompt is therefore not just for the completion of the entire paper, but as a guide to follow the ideas to its conclusion, or a starting point to start writing the thesis statement.A prompt can also serve as a resource for further research. Students can browse the references, table of contents, and other supporting documents that serve as references for the paper. They can also refer to the words and phrases that are listed in the prompt, since they might be missing important information on what they should be writing about.Finally, a prompt is just a hint that a student has to work on a specific topic or idea. It is not the focus of the project and does not dictate the topic. The prompt is there to help the student plan the topic, and to organize the paper around a certain topic.So a prompt is a brief, simple piece of writing advice, which gives a basic idea of the topic to be discussed. It does not dictate a topic to be included, but serves as a useful pointer on what topics to look at when planning to write the assignment. A prompt is also a method of organization and structure that aids the student in coming up with a solid paper and successfully finishing the assignment.

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